The word Mean has a lot of meaning in itself. The MEAN stack is combination of four important javascript based technologies and frameworks which are MongoDB, ExpressJs, Angular,Node Js.
The high flexibility of this technology, cost effectiveness and open-source platform supporting the JavaScript software stack makes this technology more efficient and popular. Javascript plays a great role in binding them together and for developing dynamic web applications.Mean Uses Javascript Object Notation commonly termed as Json .MongoDB offers users to save their data in Json format. Node and angular both use Json. Popular websites which are running on mean stack are Ulbora,, etc.
Features of Mean Stack:-
Nowadays, people are switching their technologies from php to mean stack just because:-
Some of the major companies that use php are: facebook, flipkart, slack, etc. Companies who made the shift for node are well-known to all of us. They are big successes like Netflix, Uber, linkedIn, ebay, Walmart, etc.
The world is growing day by day. Everyone wants to be fast and updated so when we compare the speed and optimize our web applications by php server, you will always find node the better and fastest one.